Here’s a few pet care tips to keep in mind:

  • Never let your dog or cat run loose. It is a good way to get an animal injured, stolen or even killed.
  • Always keep a current ID tag on your pet in case he gets lost.
  • Make sure there is fresh, clean water available at all times.
  • Never tie a dog outside on a choke collar. He can choke to death. Instead use a leather or nylon collar.
  • Never go on vacation and leave your pet shut in an empty house or tied outside. Be sure to provide for his comfort and care when you plan your trip.

What is Poisonous to Your Pet:
Protect your pet from poisoning by knowing what common household items and plants present a danger. Being aware of poisons and controlling your pet’s environment may save its life.

Household Items that are Poisonous to Your Pet:
Acetaminiphen, Alcohol, Anitfreeze, Asprin, Bleach, Boric Acid, Carbon Monoxide, Carburetor Cleaner, Chocolate, Cleaning Fluids, Deoderant, Deoderizers, Diet Pills, Disinfectants, Drain Cleaners, Dyes, Fungicides, Furniture Poish, Gasoline, Hair Coloring, Herbicides, Insecticides, Kerosene, Laxatives, Lead, Lye, Matches, Mineral Spirits, Mothballs, Nail Polish, Polish Remover, Paints, Paint Removers, Permanent Solution, Pheno, Phot Developer, Rat Poisons, Rubbing Alcohol, Shoe Polish, Sleeping Pills, Snail/Slug Bait, Soap, Suntan Lotion, Tar, Turpentine, Window Cleaner, Wood Preservative

Plants that are Poisionous to Your Pet: Allowing your pet to run at large increases its risk of poisoning from outdoor plants.
Amaryllis, Andremeda, Appleseeds, Arrowgrass, Avacado, Azalea, Bittersweet, Boxwood, Buttercup, Caladium, Castor Bean, Cherry Pits, Chokeberry, Climbing Ivy, Crown of Thorns, Daddodil, Daphne, Delphinum, Kieffenbachia, Dumb Cane, Elephant Ear, English Ivy, Elderberry, Foxglove, Hemlock, Holly, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Iris, Japanese Yew, Jasmine, Jimson Weed, Laburnum, Larkspur, Locoweed, Marigold, Marijuana, Mistletoe, Mondshood, Mushrooms, Narcissus, Nightshade, Oleander, Peach, Philodenderon, Poinsettia, Poison Ivy, Privet, Rhododenderon, Rhubarb, Stinging Nettle, Toadstool, Tobacco, Tulip, Walnut, Wisteria, Yew

Animal Care Services

2730 Arnold Street
Columbus, IN 47203
(812) 376-2505
TDD: Call 711
Contact Us

After Hours Call
(812) 379-1689 to have an Animal Control Officer paged.

Our Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon

Closed on Thursdays, Sundays and Holidays