About the Traffic Department
The Traffic Department is responsible for providing safe and visible signage on our roadways. We comply with the Indiana Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) on all our traffic-related operations.
Responsibilities of the Traffic Department include:
- Maintenance of traffic signals and traffic signs on city streets
- Painting of pavement markings
- Conducting traffic counts
- Setting up barricades for temporary traffic control
- Downtown snow removal
- Installing signage for emergency and special events
- Placing banners downtown for holidays
Check out our lastest video featuring the Traffic Department’s paint truck crew and operations!
Contact the Traffic Department for:
- Sight Distance Issues: If you see a traffic, speed limit, or stop sign that is blocked by tree limbs and is not visible, please contact us at (812) 376-2509.
- Street and Stop Signs: We repair or replace damaged signs. If you are requesting the installation of a new stop, street, or physically disabled sign, please contact the Engineering Department at (812) 376-2540.
- Traffic Signals: We repair signals on city streets, however, we do not repair signals that intersect with state highways. To report a damaged or non-working traffic signal, contact us at (812) 376-2509.
Public Works
Contact Us
Columbus Recycles
(812) 376-2509
City Sanitation
(812) 376-2509
City Street
(812) 376-2508
City Traffic
(812) 376-2518
Bartholomew County Recycling Center
(812) 376-2614
Bartholomew County Landfill
(812) 342-2756
Bartholomew County Highway Dept.
(812) 379-1660
Mosquito Issues
(812) 379-1550
Abandoned Houses
(812) 376-2593